Bash on windows 10. How to Install Linux Bash Shell on Windows 10
Bash on windows 10. How to Install Linux Bash Shell on Windows 10 Looking for: How To Use Bash Shell Natively On Windows 10 - GeeksforGeeks. Click here to DOWNLOAD Bash on windows 10 You can get it in one click from Windows Store. There are still a few things to do however. I am installing Ubuntu using Windows Subsystem for Linux. The procedure is same for both distributions. The first thing you need to do is to enable Windows Subsystem for Linux feature from PowerShell or from the Windows feature options. If you want to utilize the GUI, you can simply search for option to get the list of Windows features to enable a few things as shown in the screenshot below. Now, you just have to open it to access all the options. In either case, if you want to utilize the PowerShell, you can just go to the Start menu and search for PowerShell. Run it as administrator:. I have installed Ubuntu for Bash on Windows here. And which one should you use? To tell yo...